growing up
I've been reading an e-book about fatherhood and I stumbled to 1 Corinthians 13:11 again.This is just a very confronting verse for me because of what it means for me as a person. Even as I approach my 36th birthday, I am reminded of how old I am and how when I was in my teens how I felt people in their late 20s where already old.
If I did not go into the pastorate and simply continued being in the youth ministry I probably would have extended my adolescent period. The reality for me was that I not only enjoyed ministering to young people but I also felt young being with them. Unless of course during the times when they would ask me how old I was when they were in grade school.
Of course getting married and having a child helps in the growth process as well. But as I look at my life for the past several years, I have to admit that there were times when adulthood was forced on me. There's still a part of me which tries to hold on to my childhood. And its only during times when I reflect on what being a grown up is all about and how far I have really left behind my childhood is when I am brought back to reality.
I'm not sure at what age I can really say that I have left all my childish ways behind me. I do know however that I don't want to forget what being young feels like.I hope to have a child-like faith that will allow me to trust God especially during the times when life gets rough and I'm forced to be practical.
Right now, I believe that by God's grace I have been able to grow past in different ways my childish behaviour, I have not totally outgrown them, but there has been sufficient growth considering my age. It may have taken a longer time than I would have wanted but I'm getting there. From time to time and especially as I look at my daughter I'm reminded of what kind of man/dad I need to be. She needs more than a provider, she needs a good father who can be for her what God wants her father to be.
Note to self: You've had your chance to be a kid. Now it's your child's turn to be one.
If I did not go into the pastorate and simply continued being in the youth ministry I probably would have extended my adolescent period. The reality for me was that I not only enjoyed ministering to young people but I also felt young being with them. Unless of course during the times when they would ask me how old I was when they were in grade school.
Of course getting married and having a child helps in the growth process as well. But as I look at my life for the past several years, I have to admit that there were times when adulthood was forced on me. There's still a part of me which tries to hold on to my childhood. And its only during times when I reflect on what being a grown up is all about and how far I have really left behind my childhood is when I am brought back to reality.
I'm not sure at what age I can really say that I have left all my childish ways behind me. I do know however that I don't want to forget what being young feels like.I hope to have a child-like faith that will allow me to trust God especially during the times when life gets rough and I'm forced to be practical.
Right now, I believe that by God's grace I have been able to grow past in different ways my childish behaviour, I have not totally outgrown them, but there has been sufficient growth considering my age. It may have taken a longer time than I would have wanted but I'm getting there. From time to time and especially as I look at my daughter I'm reminded of what kind of man/dad I need to be. She needs more than a provider, she needs a good father who can be for her what God wants her father to be.
Note to self: You've had your chance to be a kid. Now it's your child's turn to be one.