Jesus and Parties

I have a question:

Why was Jesus hanging out with known and perceived "sinners?"
is it a) He was there as a form of evangelistic/missions outreach
or b) He actually enjoyed partying
or c) both
or d) some other reason?

I ask this because I think one of the tensions that Christians face especially as we live among people who think Christians are kill-joys is whether or not we can actually go to the same places that they go to and not think of it as merely as a mission to infiltrate our target.

It also leads me to this whole idea of how Christians are supposed to have a life that is not just about sacrifice and self-denial. Spiritual disciplines are not the be-all and end-all of the Christian life. I believe the disciplines are just one half of the life that we are called to live. The abundant life or the full life should be a life of both discipline and celebration. John 10:10.


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