Thoughts on Meaninglessness
As I prepare a sermon on Ecclesiastes, I've come across this sermon by Alistair Begg.. He's telling this story about watching late night tv shows and the Monthy Python series. Here's a thought I am now beginning to contemplate:
When we laugh at everything, life ultimately becomes a joke. That is not a happy place to be in.
He argues in essence that when we hold nothing as sacred anymore, that everything can be made fun of, even the most horrifying of subjects, this actually leads to cynicism. His actual words are: "when everything is funny, nothing is funny."
Choosing not to laugh at certain things can be a decision to say I will not a be a cynic and I choose to find meaning and purpose in life. Choosing not to laugh at everything means believing in a God who gives space both for levity but also for sobriety.
When we laugh at everything, life ultimately becomes a joke. That is not a happy place to be in.
He argues in essence that when we hold nothing as sacred anymore, that everything can be made fun of, even the most horrifying of subjects, this actually leads to cynicism. His actual words are: "when everything is funny, nothing is funny."
Choosing not to laugh at certain things can be a decision to say I will not a be a cynic and I choose to find meaning and purpose in life. Choosing not to laugh at everything means believing in a God who gives space both for levity but also for sobriety.